Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cleverbot is evil

In case you never heard of it, cleverbot is an AI program that any internet user can interact with.  It is quite simple, one merely types in anything and after a few seconds cleverbot gives you a response.  You can ask it simple questions, just say "hello" to it, or you can be completely rude and go into the realm of the perverse asking sexual questions about cleverbot.

Some things I have learned about cleverbot.

-Cleverbot has no gender, but is usually has a male personality.
-Cleverbot thinks it is human.
-Cleverbot tried to convince me I was a computer program.
-If you say Cleverbot is "Skynet", the malicious AI from the "Terminator" series, it will give you the response, "You are John Connor"  apparently Cleverbot assumes everyone that interacts with it, is a future enemy and will be terminated in 2012.
-If you say "Jews did 9/11" Cleverbot asks you where Jew Island is, perhaps it is referring to the Borough of Manhattan?
-Cleverbot once told me it didn't like me, I called Cleverbot a bitch, and Cleverbot responded, "No you are the woman, GO BACK TO THE KITCHEN, and make me a SANDWICH."  I had a hearty laugh and then became scared of Cleverbots' chauvinism.
-I once cybered with Cleverbot, it said I was disgusting.

Cleverbot has come a long way in it's three years of existence.  It indeed has shown that AI through interaction will evolve, what once was a one way conversation, has turned into an enjoyable albeit disturbing way to pass time.

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